Thursday, July 06, 2006

Weird busy-ness

I complain sometimes about being busy and, usually, I'm greatly over exaggerating. But, I truly feel like there's a list of things that I should be doing. I'm not complaining because it's keeping me out of trouble. (haha) I'm missing the opportunity to get out in the sun but that's okay.

Part of the problem is that the pastor is gone. He's on vacation somewhere with an organization of priest pilots. We haven't had our PIG (Pastor Is Gone) party yet. I'm totally slacking!

Today's the feast day of Saint Maria Goretti, a girl who stood up for what is right in this world, who refused to be raped by her neighbor. We pray for the young women of the world who are abused and ask her intercession this day on their behalf.

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1 L C Confess with your lips

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