Saturday, October 17, 2020
28 OT A: Custody of the eyes? What if that was your sister?
Peace be with you.
A few years ago, it seemed like every July or early August, I would get an email or note from a parishioner that would go something like this…
Dear Fr. Miller
In general, I think you are doing a good job as our pastor. You have a very beautiful voice and sometimes you even have a good homily. But, you need to do something about all these women that don’t wear the right clothes to church. And I’m not just talking about young girls. I’m talking about women who should know better than wearing spaghetti straps and shorts. Don’t they know they are coming to church? I find this very offensive. I don’t come to church to look at bare shoulders and back acne. (I’m not kidding about the back acne comment!) Church is supposed to be a formal place where you wear your finest clothes, not the swimming hole with Opey and Andy.
Yours in Christ
Older, respected woman in the community
I couldn’t help but think of these communications when I was reading this passage. If I were to apply this scripture passage literally, the message is clear: those older, respected women in the community are exactly right and I should have the ushers throw out anyone who comes to church without the right clothes on. I should set up a dress code that everyone has to meet, especially the women. I’m thinking a full length ball gown with a mantilla covering the women’s head is going to be part. Guys will have to wear a suit with a bow tie, preferably a tuxedo but I understand that not every man can afford a tux so any suit would suffice except for a leisure suit or, of course, your birthday suit.
I am, of course, being facetious. I have no intention of implementing a dress code. Having worked on three different college campuses, I think I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen women with tight fitting shirts, short shorts, and thigh high boots come and kneel down in the front row of church and volunteer to help at the parish festival. I’ve seen guys with baggy pants, baggy shorts, body-piercings and tattoos visible everywhere spending time in front of the Blessed Sacrament and who eventually discern a vocation. And I've seen guys in khaki pants, a shirt, and tie come in and act like total idiots in church. I don’t think Jesus was advocating setting a dress code for mass in this parable. He’s using an analogy to get at a deeper issue.
The King in this analogy is God and, as we know, God first made a relationship to the Jewish people. In the first reading, we heard that the end-time was supposed to be like a great banquet that the Lord of hosts would provide on his mountain. But, when God invites his chosen people to attend, at first they refuse to come and then they beat and kill the servants who invited them. The servants that invite them are, of course, the prophets, John the Baptist, and Jesus. So, the King has to give up on the guests he first invited and sends the remaining servants out to invite anyone and everyone to the banquet. Yet, when he does this, someone shows up not wearing clothes fit for a wedding. What tells me that there’s a deeper meaning than simple church regulation is that the result of being thrown out of the banquet is wailing and gnashing of teeth. It seems clear that Jesus is using people’s outward appearance to talk about what’s happening in their heart.
I think of the man who comes to mass with his beautiful family after cheating on his wife the night before. Or the nicely dressed woman who stole money from work on Friday and then comes before the Lord in the Holy Eucharist on Sunday. Or the priest who insists on the nicest robes and always wears a suit with French cuffs who can’t be bothered to help the poor person who stops at his door. Those are the garments that matter to the Lord.
On this mountain the Lord of hosts has provided a feast of rich food and choice wine, on this mountain the Lord has provided the body and blood of his only Son. We put on the wedding garments of good works to come to this mountain, even if our outward clothing isn’t always perfect.
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