Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The danger of blogs

At noon, I thought of something to post.

11 hours later, I can't remember it.

If it comes to me, I'll put it here.

If only I could remember what it was about.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The soviet's watched JP II

An interesting story from Catholic world News

"Last year the Institute for National Remembrance charged that Father Konrad Hejmo, a Polish Dominican priest stationed in Rome, had been on the payroll of the Polish secret policy, providing information about the Pontiff. Father Hejmo-- who did not work at the Vatican, and did not have access to secret information-- denied that he knowingly cooperated with Communist authorities. But he did say that Pope John Paul was keenly aware of the likelihood that he was being watched. During a meeting with Polish priests in Rome, Father Hejmo recalled, the Pope made it clear 'he knew he was being spied on.'"

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day - A day to take a break from laboring.

As a kid, labor day was the last really good camping weekend of the summer. After this, we knew that we'd have to leave later on Friday afternoon because of school and arrive earlier on Sunday to get homework done. This summer will make me value the fall weather more than most, I imagine.

I find myself rather philosopical today. I'm using that term somewhat loosely, a dangerous prospect for a philosphy major. Nonetheless, as I sit watching Lord of the Rings, it occurs to me that I know between now and Thanksgiving, I will get very little rest. I will have to work six and sometimes seven days out of the week. Saying that I'm behind is both an understatement and an exaggeration.

This labor day, it is tempting to try to get work work on my homily for this weekend or make some preparations for a retreat I'm working on for November. And, even though I know I will have to be working on a barbecue at five today, I also know that this labor day is also my day sabbath day of rest to reconnect with my God. This is the challenge I face this semester: to not work seven days a week, to not let sloth throughout the week defeat the day that gives life meaning. I hope to be like Benedict and realize that if I'm a failure as a campus minister, it is bad. But if I am a failure as a man of God, I am doomed.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person

Ever since the sexual abuse crisis began, I've heard a continously incresing fear of being put in compromising situations. Part of this is good. A priest who makes the decision to "groom" a boy into being his victim is, at least, a little easier to recognize.

Nonetheless, I have made a conscious choice in my ministry not to move to the extreme of religious separatism. What am I talking about? I think it's still important to engage people on a personal level. I think it's important to meet with people who are in need on a one on one basis. I think it's still important to be willing to put ourselves in those situations in order to show people the love of a father.

We cannot become absent fathers. The solution to the sexual abuse crisis isn't withdrawl. While we need to take time for ourselves, we still need to show the love of a foster Father for the children the heavenly father has given to him.

Ash Wednesday 2025: Just be authentic

Friends Peace be with you. Is salvation fundamentally an individualistic pursuit or a group endeavor? What about forgiveness of sins? What...