Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Dubuque Colts Cadets

Yesterday morning, I awoke a little later than usual. I knew I was going to Cedar Rapids for spiritual direction and had been throwing around the idea of also going to Dubuque for a drum and bugle corps competition taking place there last night. I have tried to make this competition for the last several years and have probably only really been successful every other year. I debated all day long about it and finally decided, while in C.R. that I would go.

Boy am I glad I did! The show was fantastic. And, personally, the real highlight was the Colt Cadets. The Colts had a tremencous show and were improved from last year (which was an improvement from the year before, which was an improvement from the year before) But the cadets are the "minor leagues" of drum and bugle corps, the younger kids that still need a lot of practice. But, this was by far the best that I've heard them. I heard a show all based on snoopy one year and, last year, it was all about video games. Both of those shows were cute and I was constantly afraid that the entire thing was going to fall apart because the kids just weren't good enough to keep it going. This year, the sound was PHENOMENAL! They took things seriously and had a top notch routine. It reminded me of something. I imaine that those other two years, which were both building years in terms of numbers of kids involved, the director figured she had to do something the kids would think is fun. I hope she's learned this year that the most fulfilling things in life involve doing something well that's difficult and being able to take pride in that. I imagine the kids thought it was fun to play the theme to frogger while someone pretended to be playing that game on the field with a giant inflatable frog. But, these kids can look at this routine and be proud that they had a tight sound and looked just as good as the older corps.

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1 L C Confess with your lips

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