Tuesday, December 27, 2005

respecting your elders irrespectively

I've felt the need to reflect on a rather complicated issue recently and I need help from anyone who has a good idea.

And, before I go too far, I'm not really speaking about my relationships or trying to imply anything here. In other words, don't read anything into this.

The question is: how do you show love to someone that you don't necessarily respect. I ask this in the contemporary church situation in which younger "conservative" clergy are replacing older "liberal" priests. The younger priests are, generally, walking into parishes and restoring long-lost pius practices. The older priests hear about this and think we are taking our people back into a "pray, pay, and obey" situation prior to vatican II. We say we are just trying to put beauty, regularity, and sanity back into the church.

The hardest situation that I've had with several of my contemporaries is that we just want to do what's in the book. We walk into parishes that, for years, have done something different than the rest of catholicism and we can't understand what would prompt a pastor to need to be "different". It's hard not to lose respect for someone who seems to, rather easily, throw the book out the window and "do it my way."

I think the most uncharitable response we can have is to demonize these brothers and make them seem bafoonish. Yet, how should we respond? How can we show them love?

Sunday, December 25, 2005

The cloth and the cave

On behalf of Fr. Ev Hemann and myself, I welcome all of those people we see weekly, those that are not quite as frequent and especially those who we have not seen in some time. All are welcome here. There is an old principle that I learned in seminary pertaining to mass. It says that the more solemn the celebration, the less apt we are to change things. During this time of year, this principle applies equally well to our readings as it does to sheered pine trees and colorful wrapping paper. So, in the spirit of this tradition, I humbly submit the following reflection. It is in the style of an early church catechetical homily, which means it is a little more poetic, a little more scriptural symbolic, and little more affective than most homilies. If you like it, I say sleep in heavenly peace. If not, you will just have to come back next week to experience a different style.

How cold it must have been for them…how dreadful! Can you imagine the opulence they enjoyed, the fruit they feasted, or the peace they felt with God’s dominion in one hand and original grace in the other? This first male and female were, likewise, the first to defy their God and be punished to here. This place, with its winter and floods and drought and other such discomforts. The first woman and man could have had no knowledge of what to expect with the first pregnancy. Undoubtedly, expecting that all good gifts had been forsaken by their act of disobedience, they had no idea that God left one blessing not forfeited by original sin nor washed away in the flood. They were the first to share in God’s sacred rite of matrimony. They shared in God’s fruitful fecundity and bore, first Cain and then Abel, two sons. Both boys were born wrapped in the cloths of original sin in a rock hard place outside their paradise where no one should have had to walk. Before long, through the original act of fratricide, Cain murdered his brother and forced the original sinners to also be the first to lay a son in burial cloths in a rock-hewn tomb where no one should have laid.

It was through the offspring of this first disobedience, David the King, that the knot of our original sin would begin to be undone. That king, born the son of a meek shepherd, would succeed the shameful Saul and shepherd his people toward unity. Yet, David was not to undo original sin through obedience, but through coveting his neighbor’s wife, murdering him, and having his children. In this we see that God can even make something good happen from an evil act – and so he did in the person of brave Solomon who was wrapped in a mantle of military might with a rock-hard determination. He continued what no one else could do and made Israel a great nation in history.

Israel was to be the scene of the final undoing of disobedience when a new Eve, at the angel’s invitation, joyfully accepted the arduous responsibility of giving birth to the son of god. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light, upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. For the yoke that burdened them, the pole on their shoulder, and the rod of their taskmaster you have smashed...For a child is born to us, a son was given us; upon his shoulder dominion rested.” Wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger because there was no room, this child whose birth we hold dear was born. He was thought to have been the new David, the new Solomon whose wisdom would unite the country of Israel and overthrow her oppressors. In truth, he was the new Abel, another fratricide whose mother, the new Eve, was forced to redo the horrifying responsibility of the first one by wrapping her son in the swaddling clothes of burial and laying him in a man made tomb where no one had laid before.

Yet, unlike the first fratricide, this was no mere act of disobedience for all people, a simple effect of the original sin. This obedience began when his mother said, “Let it be done according to your word,” and concluded when he said, “Father forgive them.” His obedience pulled off the veil that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all nations; his obedience destroyed death forever. As we adore Christ the child wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a manger, with no room in the Inn, let us give thanks to the savior of the world and join our voices the angels in adulation, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Thursday, December 22, 2005

America Magazine

Some of you may read America Magazine. I found this interesting article about how they published an ad that featured a statue of the virgin Mary covered in a condom. The person who put the ad there claimed that he did it in protest of the church's stance on contraception.

I have two questions that come to mind. #1: Should we really believe that America didn't know that this was a part of their magazine?

And, #2: how is an ad like this going to have any effect but to prove that the people who are pro-contraception are really just anti-catholic?

Santa Benedict?

What is this world coming to? click here

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A new vatican representative

I was reading on Catholic News Service this morning that the pope as appointed a new representative to the U.S. You can read all about it here.

You will learn that this man served in the Holy Land, which made me wonder if there is a parallel between the relationship of liberals to conservatives to the relationship of Palestinians to Conservatives?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Give the gift of yourself

There is a story told about a little boy whose father worked very hard at a very important job often bringing work home with him to do at night. One such night, the little boy came into his father’s study and stood for a while unnoticed. Finally, his somewhat oblivious father sensed his son’s presence, acknowledged him, and asked what his son wanted. The son asked the normal pleasantry question about what his father was doing to which his father replied something about earning his paycheck. The son then asked how much the father made per hour, a question that seemed to irritate the boy’s father. Figuring that his son was in some kind of silly game of comparison with classmates at school, the father told him that that was a very rude question and that it was none of his business. The son left the room and returned a few minutes later. The father, annoyed at being distracted and still thinking about how rude the son’s question was finished the sentence he was writing and then quickly looked up to find his son holding a small ceramic pig with an Iowa State Cyclone emblem on the side. The son opened the bottom of the pig and, much to the surprise of his father, emptied a few quarters, nickels, dimes, and many many pennies onto his desk. He looked at the tear stained eyes of his son who asked, “I’d like to buy one hour. Is this enough?” The father smiled at his son, put down his pen, and went to spend time with his son. And he never brought work home again.

For the past several weeks, I’ve heard a lot of people talking about the obnoxious level of commercialism that plagues Christmas. A lot of people recognize that this is a problem but few offer any kind of solution. I believe that we hear a solution in the scriptures today. The first reading and gospel are one of the few times when it is apparent that one passage is directly citing another. In the first reading, Nathan, speaking on behalf of God, promises David an heir who will be great and a son of God. In the gospel, the angel Gabriel, speaking on behalf of God, tells Mary Jesus “will be great” and will be called the “Son of God.” In the first reading, Nathan promises David a kingdom forever; in the gospel, Gabriel tells Mary “of his kingdom there will be no end.” In the first reading Nathan promises David an everlasting throne. In the gospel, Gabriel promises Mary that Jesus will inherit the throne of David his Father.
Yet, there is a striking difference between these readings as well that give us instruction as we approach Christmas. In the first reading, David feels blessed by God. The Ark of the Covenant, which had been traveling all over Israel to be kept safe, arrives in Jerusalem. His troubles with Saul’s daughter were resolved by God who made her barren. David has it made. So, he wants to do something nice for God for all the good things God has done for him. He decides to build a house or, more precisely, a temple. The problem is that God didn’t ask for a house. He didn’t even want one! He was perfectly fine in his tent. Instead, God decides that he’s going to build a house for David, a lineage so that all of David’s offspring can serve God.

Mary is also coming off of a pretty good stretch. She has got engaged to Joseph, an event that, I’m told, is very exciting. But, Mary’s first act is not to go out and get a gift for God in thanks. She didn’t sacrifice the fattened calf. Mary, instead, thanked God for her good fortune. She simply spent time with God in prayer. This thankful attitude is what allowed her to be the first tabernacle for the body of Christ.

This, then, is the antidote to the problem of commercialism; to focus on relationships instead of things. In other words, our first and foremost gift this time of year should be more about time than money or trinkets. No amount of money, no perfect toy, no ticket to a bowl game is as important as being with the people we love and being with our God…though tickets to Iowa State’s bowl game come close. But, seriously, now is the perfect time to take some time to be with those we love and spend time with God in prayer. Don’t make God send a prophet, an Angel, or a crying child to get you to do it.

Friday, December 16, 2005

a bit of humor

In reading some blogs, I found this entry. My favorite part is

"If you liked the hip cool not-so Mediterranean, Wonder White Bread-o-life iPod Jesus, then you'll just love the Talking Jesus Christ Doll. Comes complete with the patented kung fu grip bearing an authentic sword of the spirit AK-47 (not pictured). Your kids will become the talk of their Bible studies as they learn life verses such as 2 Kings 2:23-24 and John 11:35 merely by pulling the Savior's string. "

Monday, December 12, 2005


Today is my day off, my sabbath rest. I used part of it to go see the new movie "The chronicles of Narnia". It's a good movie and has some of the major Christian symbols.

I hope this doesn't ruin the movie for you but, if so, sorry. The most important part of the book is that there is this hundred year winter that is only stopped when Azlan comes back to life after death. Yet, this movie got that all wrong! That was disappointing. Not so disappointing that I left in a huff but enough to make me a little sad.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Rejoicing with Mary

When you think of someone who is really holy, what are some of the characteristics that come to mind? Do you think of a monk off in a cave in the middle of the desert fasting and praying constantly? What about the parents of five kids doing their best to raise faithful children by teaching them how to pray and coming to church? What about a sister working in the inner city of a major metropolitan area teaching poor students? What do their faces look like? Are they joyful?

Today is traditionally called “Gaudate Sunday” from the latin phrase, “Let us rejoice.” We get this phrase from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians that is the opening antiphon to today’s mass, though we hear it just as strongly in the second reading today from Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. Paul says to us, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” This joy is a constitutive element of Christianity. We are to rejoice always. Our prayer is filled with rejoicing for the God who has accomplished so much in Christ Jesus. This means that we joyfully give thanks, which is another way of saying the word Eucharist. We cannot live dour lives if we are faithfully giving thanks for what God has accomplished in Christ Jesus. This is a distinctive feature of Christianity. Atheism leads to futility, frustration, and lack of meaning. Hedonism, or love of pleasure, cannot find joy in suffering and pain. Christianity, on the other hand, leads us to a profound sense of thankfulness and can even see through the pain of this world to the joy we will have in our everlasting home in heaven.

But St. Paul is no Pollyanna; He’s a saint. He recognizes three things that can take away the joy of faith. First he says, “Do not quench the Spirit.Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good. Refrain from every kind of evil.” Let’s face it, along our journey, there are people with different gifts. Some people are better at things than we are and, for some of us, there seems to be a lot of people that are better at things than we are. I can almost guarantee that all of you are better at science and math than I am. That’s not the way that my brain works. The danger is when someone is good at living the holy life. We can get jealous of them and their spirituality. This may lead us to try and prove the hypocrisy of them or we may try to copy their spirituality and find that it is not ours. This is why we are to try it out. If it draws you to God then it is good. If not, then don’t do it. This wisdom also governs the church’s attitude to private revelation. In other words, when people see an image of Mary or receive an appearance of Mary somewhere, the church never mandates belief in that because it is a personal, private experience that helps them grow in faith. If it helps other people to draw closer to God, then we tell them to retain it. If it doesn’t, then refrain from it.

So, living a joyful life means that we are called to live a life of holiness. Paul says, “May the God of peace make you perfectly holyand may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” This life of holiness to which we are called is the definition of a joyful life. Sin is what brings about sadness. In our Eucharistic Prayer, it says, “Your Spirit is at work when understanding puts an end to strife, when hatred is quenched by mercy, and vengeance gives way to forgiveness.”Yet, the life of holiness itself can seem like a frustration. Oftentimes, in trying to rid ourselves of sin, we can become so fixated on our inadequacies that we can lose light of the forgiveness of God. There are people who become so fixated on this that they will confess the same sin over and over again. Others, in their frustration, simply stop trying to live the life of holiness and indulge in sensuality. This is why Paul prays “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will also accomplish it.” We cannot become frustrated in our sins and lose sight of the forgiveness of God and the forgiveness of the church. This Tuesday we will celebrate the last of our communal reconciliation liturgies, which is a sacramental way to celebrate God’s forgiveness. But, this Eucharist itself, forgives the minor sins that we commit and draws us closer into the body of Christ. It enflames our heart with the joy of Mary who’s joyful hymn was sung during the responsorial psalm, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked upon his lowly servant.” Let us rejoice with Mary this Sunday.

Friday, December 09, 2005

sede vaticansists

I've recently become re-aquainted with a group of people that believe there has been no legitimate pope since John XXIII. They found my email address somehow and were sending me evil material attempting to subvert my love of the pope and bishops.

It's sad. They have nothing positive to add to the conversation. They just complain about how everything has changed and is, therefore, bad. Because of their own ignorance and obstinence, they lead others away. They do incredible damage to the unity of the church and are, in many ways, acting as the anti-christ. I pray for them constantly in the hopes that they will realize that they not only don't have a leg to stand on but are being Judas. After all, Judas thought that, in betraying the Lord, he was saving the movement. These people think that they know more about what the truth of the faith is than the pope and can, therefore, betray him. Someday they will have to look God in the face and see how they are ripping apart the body of Christ, the church.

Pray for them, not only for the leadership but for the lost sheep that believe what these false prophets teach.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Here's a great article about how John Paul II and Benedict have eliminated the concept of Limbo and a little bit about why. I love the line "...people should not think the changed focus is a lightweight embrace of warm, fuzzy feelings." See, that's why I don't hug!

Immaculate Conception

Since the death of John Paul II, I've felt very close to his spirituality. He felt a very close connection to Mary, an aspect of my own spirituality that I'd never felt before. He even attributed being saved from death to Mary.

I see this Immaculate Conception as a beginning of this spirituality in my life. I heard in the reading Mary's powerful role in reconciliation today. Her statement, "May it be done to me according to your word." undoes Adam and Eve's evasive statement's. Mary's trust in God is the example to all of us that, despite the difficutlties, we must we willing to submit to the will of God.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

J P II loves you...shouldn't we too?

I read other catholic blogs to get an idea of what is being written. Some of the priests tend to be more conspiracy theorist than I am but I they almost always have somthing that I'd have missed otherwise. Here's one great example

JPII article

Now, I will admit that I am probably a little biased in this matter. I feel a special connection to John Paul the great, perhaps more after death than during his life. I've been reading his autobiography and some of his writings and I find them to be profoundly rooted in prayer. But even if I didn't believe that, I can't believe that people think that, since John Paul didn't do their pet project, he wasn't holy.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Gay Priests and LIES

I've been reticent to comment on the new document from the Congregation for Catholic Education because I was waiting to hear what "commentators" would say about it. I've heard the common misconceptions. People like William F. Buckley think priests need to have sex in order to be healthy...as long as it's heterosexual sex. Some give the relativist, "I don't believe that" attitude. Some believe the church is putting it's foot down on the sexual abuse crisis or call gay people evil. All of this is wrong and I'll show you why.

The vatican, in it's typical way, didn't root this in politics or sociology or anything secular. The vatican said, "By means of the sacrament of orders, the Holy Spirit configures the candidate to Jesus Christ in a new and specific way: the priest, in fact, sacramentally represents Christ, the head, shepherd and spouse of the Church...The candidate to the ordained ministry, therefore, must reach affective maturity. Such maturity will allow him to relate correctly to both men and women, developing in him a true sense of spiritual fatherhood towards the Church community that will be entrusted to him."

Further, "In the light of such teaching, this dicastery, in accord with the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, believes it necessary to state clearly that the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called 'gay culture.' Such persons, in fact, find themselves in a situation that gravely hinders them from relating correctly to men and women."

The argument, as far as I can tell, could be briefly stated in the following statements;
1. A priest is configured to Christ and must, therefore, mirror Christ.
2. Christ was not gay.
3. A priest cannot be gay.

This has nothing to do with married priests. This has nothing to do with the sexual abuse crisis. This has to do with the unique notion of priests "in personae Christi" (in the person of Christ). That's all.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

winter storm warning

As I drove today to hear confessions at the grade school across town, go to the hospital, and inquire about a cover for my hitch, I heard that parts of the stat of Iowa are under a snow advisory. In a month and a half, I'll be ready for the snow to be finished and still have two and a half months of snow left. But, for tonight, I'm happy that the snow is coming if for no other reason then because it forces me to slow down.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

more time

I'm supposed to be working on this paper about religious freedom. The problem is that I don't have the right materials to do it. I know, I know. Another excuse. But, I'm not giving up. I'm hoping to get a couple of good books via interlibrary loan and have it done by Christmas. I've kind of become fascinated because, in many ways, this topic has changed a great deal in the last few decades, at least in the church. For several popes the idea of religious freedom was rediculous. For John Paul II, it was the cornerstone of his papacy. I think, in many ways, it is the future of the church and a necessary aspect at that.


Yesterday, I had the opportunity to listen to my favorite radio show, Car Talk on National Public Radio. If you’ve never heard it before, Car talk is hosted by these two very Boston/Italian sounding guys named Tom and Ray. Both know so much about cars that they seem like they’ve been working on them forever. Yet, Tom and Ray are also graduates of the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology so they are very knowledgeable about a whole range of things. For instance, they’ll get questions about the electrical system that seem almost like a foreign language to me and I think to myself that I don’t know why I’m laughing since I really don’t understand what they’re saying. Then, the next person will call in and say, “Every once in a while, when I shift into drive, the car doesn’t move for a while” and I think to myself, “Transmission! I know it’s the transmission. See, I’m just as smart as Tom and Ray!” The other day, they got a question that was a little different than either of those. A person called up and asked about the country of Italy. They said that, in Italy, there are as many cars per capita as the U.S and as many drivers who drive as fast and as badly as most Americans. Yet, according to the caller, there is no road rage. The caller wondered why that was. So, Tom and Ray gave one for their listeners to come up with the answer. One of my favorites was the response of an Italian Cab driver who said, “Today, he cuts me off. Tomorrow, I cut him off.” However, the one that I think was the most honest, was that when Italians drive, they drive from one place to another, from home to the store. When Americans drive, we drive from one time to another, from 11:50 until Noon and anything that gets in my way of getting there on time is evil and it must be destroyed! So, instead, I get angry.

There is, obviously, something negative about this lifestyle. I saw it on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving when retailers put all their bargains out. On CNN, they showed a security camera of one such retail store that opened their doors early to a mob of people. As the mob poured in, one man slipped and fell sprawl out on the floor. And would you believe that no one stopped to help this man up? They were all too busy trying to make sure that they got their cheap DVD players and other deals to notice someone in need of help.

I think this is part of our American culture; being incredibly busy. Part of this is good. It’s good to use your gifts and talents to build up the body of Christ on earth. We are good at instilling this into the next generation. After spending the last few days with my family, I’m amazed to hear all the events that my brothers and sisters go with their children. They’re all in school and, of course, they come to church. But, they’re also involved in sports and music and other organizations. It’s seems like all we do is continue to add more and more clubs and organizations that students can be involved in all the way to college when, as a woman named Susan Lammers, one of the hall directors here at Iowa State, showed the campus ministers and peer ministers, there are four pages of them Iowa State students can join. They can be part of anything from the cigar club to a fraternity to the catholic student club to an athletic club. More and more stuff that gives us life and helps us to meet people, which isn’t all bad. But, it doesn’t get better when you graduate and go into the “real world.” Suddenly, you have to go to work and maybe get your kids to their different events and you have to pay bills and maintain a house. Life just seems to get more and more complicated

For me, that’s the wisdom that our earth and our church offers us at this time of year. Our earth gives us this great winter weather that almost forces us to slow down. I mean, let’s face it, who would want to sit and watch a football game when it’s near freezing temperatures? And, in the next few days, we may get those same freezing temperatures and snow and sleet that just make you want to stay home under a warm blanket with a nice book. The weather even encourages us to rest and take some time for ourselves.

And, as the weather is encouraging this change of pace, our church invites us to slow down as we begin the church’s new year this Advent season. We hear in the first reading that it’s important to stop our hectic lives and remind ourselves that, in the end, everything we do is the work of the Lord. We may think that we are doing great things but, ultimately, we are using simply God’s creation and the gifts and talents that God gave to us in order to do it all. And we hear in the second reading and gospel that, as Christians, we must slow down in order to wait for the coming of the Lord. Part of that means putting our life in order and remembering the obligations we have toward our neighbor. We must remember that we are always to be prepared to see Jesus come again and not succumb to the temptations that draw us away. This may be a good time to use the sacrament of reconciliation to be rid of those busy parts of our life that draw us away from being prepared for the coming of Jesus. So, take some time this Advent to watch and be prepared for his coming.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Advent Waiting

I've been reflecting all day on how hectic life is. We all need to slow down and be a little patient. In my homily, I've been talking about an image I saw of a door opening for "Black Friday" the day after Thanksgiving where we try fill our life up with all kinds of bargains. As the doors opened, the people rushed in and one man fell full sprawl on the ground and no one helped pick him up. They were all too busy getting their deals to stop and help another.

In the rush of this new church year, we must always look deep within ourselves and ask if we are ready for the coming of our savior. God won't care if you don't get that DVD player. God will care if we didn't love our neighbor.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wasn't this easier in seminary?

I'm having trouble researching my project on religious freedom. I don't have a great library like the one St. Paul Seminary Had. I have found a few things that are helping but I may have to continue working on this when the students get back. I'll keep working, though, and make the final determination about that on Sunday. I also can't narrow down my topic. I need an advisor of some kind. This is hard work!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Homosexuality, the vatican, and celibacy

For the past two months, in various press circles, people have been "breaking the story" about a document that may or may not be released this Tuesday, one week from today. I've been hearing that it's going to come out "in the near future" for the last two months. I'm still waiting...

At first, it was reported that the document was going to ban all homosexuals from priesthood. Fear, dread, anger, discrimination, and all kinds of other feelings came out. Then, nothing happened. No document. Suddenly, a couple weeks later, the media changed its mind. The document was going to ban PRACTICING homosexuals and people involved in the homosexual agenda. A man needs to be celibate for three years before he is admitted to seminary and shouldn't advocate policies that are contrary to catholic teaching. (i.e. gay marriage, open homosexual lifestyle, etc.)

In the next few days, the people that hate the church are going to offer their opinions. Expect to especially hear from gay rights advocates (or, as I call them, "anti-family advocates"), pro-married clergy (or "anti-celibacy") advocates, and pro-women's ordination advocates to have a particular conniption fit in the next week. But, all along, remember that NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THIS DOCUMENT SAYS!!!! There was a rumor that it connected the sexual abuse crisis to homosexuality but no one knows that for sure. What they hate is celibacy. When you hear a commentator the media puts up to debate this issue yet again, they will bring up celibacy. Be forwarned because they will probably get priests to do the speaking.

Remember something as they are speaking: a real practicing celibate, which is the majority of priests, sisters, and brothers, are not sexual abusers, are happier and live longer than other people, and are called to live that life by God. Then, shut off the TV, Radio, or computer and go do something productive.

Monday, November 21, 2005

The Man in Black

I went to see the movie "Walk the Line" last night. It was very dark because it highlighted the tough times that Johnny Cash went through with drugs and alcohol. My favorite scene was when June Carter's father chased off Whalen Jennings (who was delivering drugs for Johnny) with a shotgun.

Here's what I learned: Johnny Cash never stood up for himself and never took any credit for anything until June made him. I'm still pondering this because it's more profound than a simple "stand up for yourself" message. It's about accountability and standing up for what is right instead of going through life as though you are affected by countless other uncontrolable variables.

I also learned that June Carter wrote the song "Ring of Fire."

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Religious Freedom

Since I know work in a college setting, one of the things that has been brought back into my consciousness is the fact that students really do work here...and they work hard. I think that I'd blocked writing papers from my mind and the hard work that goes into that process. The students are on break right now for a week so I'm thinking that I'm going to do a project. I'm going to write an academic paper. And, considering the fact that I keep running into this whole religious freedom thing, I think I'll write it about the role of religious freedom in the catholic church.

I have no delusions of grandeur. I'm not writing something that will be worth publishing. But, it's my hope that, one week from today, prior to the seven o'clock mass, I will publish my findings on religious freedom on this blog so that any readers that do sit and read this thing can give me some of the same criticism that my students get.

I'll keep you posted throughout the week.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Pray for the church in china

A generation ago, it was not unusual for catholics to pray for the church in Russia. Little did we know that a Polish Pope would be instrumental in bringing about the collapse of communism and usher in an era of religious freedom that is still in the process of blooming in the former Soviet Union.

Now, we have a new problem. China, the last stronghold of communism, continues to persecute the one true church. China has even gone so far as to set up a puppet, false church and condemn the one, holy, catholic, apostolic church to the underground. Then, I read this on another blog...


So, we need to pray that when President Bush meets with Chinese leaders, at least part of what he will talk about deals with religious freedom and the ability of Church to evangelize freely.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Another "Wow" moment

These past couple of weeks, I feel like I've really connected with students and residents alike. My homily a week ago seemed to resonate with students who feel constantly attacked by fundamentalists on campus. I talked about how faith shouldn't be based on a book but on the totality of revelation which can only be understood in the church. Several students thanked me for it and commented that it was "about time" someone laid it out like that.

Then, this weekend, I preached about the strength of women and how women need to leave abusive relationships. Several women thanked me for it, including a few who had left abusive relationships.

I forget, sometimes, that my words do mean something. There are times when I even start to wonder if I should just shut up and sit down because no one is listening. I think that's why I try to remember that I can't preach self-help homilies (i.e. feel good about yourself) but I try to preach Christ and him crucified.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

A brief note

At Saturday evening mass this weekend, right before the cantor began the responsorial psalm, I heard the tornado sirens go off. I knew that a tornado warning had already gone off in a couple of counties next to us so I knew it wasn't a crafty college student's joke. So, what do you do? Most of the time, we could stay put and be just fine. But, I decided that we had enough room to be comfortable in the basement and so, when the cantor finished, I turned on my lapel mic and invited people to move downstairs. Mass in the church hall/fallout shelter!

The strange thing is that, when I first arrived here, someone told me that the basement was the "interim church" until they built the current space. The original pastor here, a revered monsignor, is remembered as celebrating mass there. I couldn't help but hope that somehow Monsignor Supple was smiling that a cyclone...I mean tornado...caused us to move down to the old church for mass and was the opening act for the cyclones beating Colorado for the first time since 1983.

An important homily

Last week, the first reading said that fear of the Lord is the first stage of wisdom. This seems to make sense in the context of November, the month of fear. We begin this month by dressing up like ghosts and goblins and trying to scare each other and end it by maxing out our credit cards trying to buy love for Christmas. I’ve found it fascinating that, in the little bit of television I’ve been able to watch lately, there are two shows that deal almost entirely with fear. I’ve seen a couple of the so-called reality shows that put a family in supposedly haunted places in the middle of the night hoping that they will have some kind of frightening paranormal experience. Another kind of fear based show is, appropriately called “fear factor”; a show in which people see if they an overcome such fears as eating bugs, jumping between moving semi-trucks, or bungee jumping. So, this prompts the question, what is the difference between this kind of fear and fear of the Lord.

When I think of fear of the Lord, I think of Rosa Parks. A black woman in the 1960s knew that the law said she needed to give up her seat at the front of the bus to a white person and move to the back of the bus. Yet, Rosa Parks knew injustice when she saw it. Even though she, undoubtedly, feared the ramifications of her actions, Rosa also knew and understood that God calls us to do what is right. She didn’t bury her talent out of fear of a particular situation but stood up in the face of fear because she knew her God walked with her and gave her courage.
I also think of tiny, little mother Teresa whose life was lived in the fear of the Lord. We may picture her taking care of the lepers in the streets of Calcutta and seeing the face of Christ in each one. Yet, she also stood before powerful politicians and decried the scourge of abortion, saying that any culture that murders its most vulnerable is bereft of morality.

So, by fear of the Lord, I’m not talking about something that leaves us paralyzed. In fact, fear of the lord is synonymous with love of the Lord. Both fear and love of the Lord remind us that God has created us in his own image and put us in this world to live a life of justice. He has given all of us gifts and talents and, like the worthy wife of the first reading who works with her husband to bring up a God-fearing household, we are called to use them in love.

Yet, in our own country, there is much of the wrong kind of fear. Perhaps the most troubling use of this fear is through spousal abuse. I say this in light of the first reading as well as other scripture passages; oftentimes, men will use religious fear to control women and prevent them from seeking safety. Let me try to undo one such weapon of fear. It is often believed that the church believes divorce to be a sin. This is patently false. While the church, like everyone else, would hope that all marriages would be life-long relationships of mutual trust and self-sacrifice, we recognize that there are times when one spouse, usually the woman, must leave in order to be safe. There is no sin in doing this. Let me be clearer. If you are a woman whose husband physically hurts you or your children, you need to seek help. Call the police or go to a shelter or talk to a friend. Do whatever you need to do to feel safe. You can even talk to me after mass if it would be safe for you. The church wants you to be safe and God needs you to stand up to injustice and not bury your talents. God loves you and wants you to be loved.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A good day

Yesterday it was in the seventies with beautiful sun and warmth. Today it's forty eight. They're predicting snow for next Tuesday. But, it's a great day.

Monday, November 07, 2005


Often, television portrays believers in one of two ways. Either we are sinister, using belief in God to cover up evil actions; like a terrorist, an abortion clinic bomber, or a pedophile priest. Or we are a simpleton, a moron. If you’ve ever seen the character of Ned Flanders on “The Simpsons” you know what I mean. Ned is the stereotypical geek. He has a winy, high-pitched voice and uses phrases like “didleyiddley” instead of swearing. But Ned also supports his church and his minister and he’s always the one sitting in the front row smiling and paying attention. Ned is that guy that is always willing to give a helpful hand to his neighbors, the Simpsons, even though they accept his help and then consistently throw him our of their yard. He’s the very definition of a simpleton.

I don’t think it’s always been this way. If you watch old movies, movies from the forties and fifties, you are more likely to notice that the only wise person was someone who believed in God. Today, it seems like you have to shut off your brain to have faith. I’m afraid we’ve confused something very fundamental, something that makes us different than other Christian denominations. In fact, the confusion is so widespread that I’ve even heard some priests get this wrong in homilies. The confusion centers around the idea of faith. Some people believe faith is a “best guess scenario.” In other words, you look around in search of proof and you can’t find any. However, the world’s wisdom need not correspond to God’s and vice versa. Some will even go so far as to say that man’s wisdom is the exact opposite of God’s. So, you, as an individual, need to eschew “Man’s wisdom” and make a “leap of faith” to have faith in God’s wisdom. Wisdom comes purely from the Bible because, as one hymn puts it, “Jesus loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so.”

For Catholics, faith and wisdom are inseparable. If our faith contradicts wisdom then one must be in need of a new appropriation. To be truly faithful is to probe the depths of meaning with the particular gifts and talents given to us by God in search of wisdom. But it must be an authentic wisdom, the kind that was praised in the first reading today, not just knowledge. One can have knowledge but not be wise. Think of the scientist that knows everything about the human digestive track but would likely leave for work without wearing pants if a loving spouse didn’t lay them out each day. Or the sports figure who knows everything about the game of basketball but couldn’t put together a grammatically correct sentence of Ms. Manners had a gun to his or her head. These folks have knowledge but not wisdom.

A wise person grapples with difficult questions and is never satisfied by simple answers. He or she realizes that atheism is true futility, true foolishness. Instead, a wise person opens herself or himself up to the possibility that there is a God and then tries to get into a relationship with that God. They look at the Bible as a helpful tool that tells us stories about God and people’s relationship to God but recognize that it is not purely an historical document. They see the Bible as part of a larger tradition that has been handed onto us by the Holy Spirit from our ancestors and see in this our connection to Christ and, through Christ, to God, this chain of witnesses.

This affects, not only our intellect, but out very lives as well. We live life as though Christ could come tomorrow. Indeed, we live life as though Christ could come right now and we’d be ready for him. That means that we show love to our neighbors, especially those who are oppressed. We live life in order to reach out to those who are not wise in order to let them know where true wisdom resides, in the heart of Christ, the heart of the church. True wisdom is built on vigilantly waiting for God. It’s not we who believe and patiently wait for Christ’s return who are simple, it’s those who give up on God like the five foolish bridegrooms in the gospel did, that are simple. We who have the faith, hope, and love of Christ and await his return are the truly wise ones. We recognize that Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


On all souls, I got to talk about purgatory, sort of.

I noticed somethingin the readings that we read . Oftentimes, we have cheery visions of deceased family members. But, the more reflect on their lives, we remember their faults. We might remember a grandparents alcohol problem. Or the racist attitudes of our aunt or uncle. Purgatory gives us the hope that these sins can be purged from the person after death so that they can see God with a clear conscience.

This weekend, I'm going to talk about the gifts that women bring to the church. Please pray that I don't say anything stupid. Oh, and feel free to email me any suggestions about how not to do that.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Sunday, October 23, 2005


For me, the hardest words to say are, "1 love you." I think they’re even harder to say that, “I’m sorry.” I'm not sure if it comes from being a guy since a lot of times we guys don't like to talk about our feelings. Or if it comes from my Germanic heritage where even I love you,“Ich Liebe dich,” sounds more like the beginning of a bar brawl than a term of endearment. Or if it has to do with being a priest, but it's tough for me to say, "I love you." I do hope that, even if I can't say it, I nonetheless live it out, though I know I don't always do that. That's what I find fascinating about the gospel today. On the one hand, you have a group of Pharisees who want to show just how stupid they think Jesus is by trapping him. They ask him a question in order to trip him up. Basically, they ask him to summarize the Jewish faith. Jesus could have become angry with them. He could have told them to go away since they are not only not his followers but they had no intention of becoming his followers; but he didn't. Instead, he loved them as much as he did his followers and told them that the heart of discipleship is love. In both his words and actions, he showed love.

This past Tuesday, the students at St. Thomas put on a question and answer session called, "Why do Catholics do that." The four campus ministers, Fr. Ev, John Donaghy, Misty Heinen, and I, took questions about catholic teaching from anyone who showed up. I walked in, prepared to answer the questions 1 felt competent to answer and hoping that there wouldn't be too many that I wouldn't know, though I was confident that the other campus ministers could make up for my shortcomings. We fielded questions about purgatory, the relationship of scripture to tradition, indulgences, saints, and numerous other topics. In the questions, I became aware by the way that some of the people phrased them, that some were not catholic. 1 figured that some people were considering joining the church or had roommates or friends who were catholic that couldn’t answer a question for them and told them about this. After the presentation, while talking to a student who is pretty active at St. Thomas, I commented that I thought the evening when well. He said something along the lines of, "Yeah, I just think they sent nice people this year." When I asked him what he meant by that, 1 was surprised and upset to learn that one of the fundamentalist evangelical groups in town, one of those that don't consider Catholics to be Christians, regularly sends students to this event in order to "trip us up", similar to the way the Pharisees did in today's gospel.

Now, I have to admit that it's fortunate that I found this out afterwards. I'm sure it would have colored my answers had I known, especially since 1 couldn't help but rethink all of my answers afterwards and put more anger in them; more "You were the ones who broke away from us." And "You were the ones who took out books from the Old Testament."

It would have been a lot easier for me to be rude to them if I'd have known that they weren't Catholics or even people trying to understand the Catholic Church better. Even though I'm a pretty nice guy, I'm also a person who has pretended a couple of Jehovah's witnesses weren't at the door in order to avoid having to talk to them. I just kept going about my business and didn't answer the persistent doorbells and knocking.

Jesus, on the other hand, found a way to stand up for his beliefs, to do so unequivocally, and to live out those beliefs, namely the law of love, as he was being attacked. This love is, in some ways, what is missing in our society. Love is what tells us that turning someone into some thing is wrong. Love tells us that every pregnancy is a gift. Love is what forces us to stop and not hurt our wife or our children. Love is what stops us from honking the horn at the elderly person who is not driving well. Love is what compels us to give to those who are need. And love is what makes us treat all people, especially those who persecute us, with respect and dignity.

In the early church, there was one characteristic that shined out before all others. Even when we were in the midst of terrible persecutions, as some of Christians were being killed by wild animals for sport, people knew us because of our love. In this world where vengeance, anger, violence and terror are the norm, we must once again be the church towards which people remark, "See how the Christians love one another."

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


This Sunday was my birthday. In some ways it was a depressing birthday. I didn't receive very many cards, something that wouldn't never have happened in my previous assignments. And I didn't get to hang out with old friends as can happen surrounding birthdays. But, I couldn't help but be grateful to be assisting a great pastor in a great assignment. God bless the Cyclones. God bless this parish. And God bless the Archbishop for assigning me here.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

This weekend we welcome the parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and all the relatives who have come for Iowa State’s family weekend. Thank you for coming to support your students who are just wrapping up a couple of intense weeks of testing in midterms. It seemed somehow fitting that the weather turned cold this past week. The students that, just a few short weeks ago, were walking around with a bounce in their step and a smile on their face have been walking around these last few weeks with eyes barely open and feet just sluggishly moving them in the direction of the next test or lab or presentation. Reality hit this week and it hit hard.

“On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all peoples
a feast of rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines. On this mountain he will destroy the veil that veils all peoples,
the web that is woven over all nations; he will destroy death forever.” This is the message our Lord gives to us in the first reading today, and it seems an especially poignant message as we gather together, not only because God has indeed called us to this spiritual banquet of the body of Christ, though indeed he has. But, God has done so something special in a special unique place. I mean, let’s be honest. When was the last time you were invited to a meal on a mountain?

The image of the mountain plays a unique role in this year’s gospel, the gospel of Matthew. It began when Jesus brought his followers to a mountain to hear the beatitudes. Later, he brought them up to the mount of transfiguration and, throughout this gospel, Jesus goes off to mountains to pray. The mountain in the gospel of Matthew is the place for a heavenly encounter with God. It is a sacramental experience of the highest kind wherein the divine and the human interact. God brings us to himself and transforms our hearts to be like his. It is on this mountain that we will feast with God.

If you are a student, you know the kind of preparation an event such as the one God has planned for us. In preparing for your family to visit you, you may have cleaned up your room, got homework done early, made reservations at a local restaurant, and done other such things so that your visit would be more pleasant. All of that work is in addition to all the tests, quizzes, projects, jobs, etc that you had to do for midterms. In some ways, the students whose parents couldn’t come may have had a better family weekend than those who could. However, you are all busy people. Wouldn’t it be great to have an opportunity to just sit back and relax?

That’s the best part about Christianity, though to be honest, we stole this from our Jewish brothers and sisters. We have a day built into our week where our entire goal is to take a break from our usual daily routine in order to focus on relationships. This is what Sunday is all about. Our culture doesn’t like to recognize the need for a Sabbath rest. Some Christians even think that Jesus took away our obligation to honor this sacred institution. Our beloved deceased Pope John Paul the second was aware of these developments and, so, he wrote an Apostolic letter called Dies Domini reminding the church of how important it is to honor the Lord’s Day. In this letter, John Paul wrote, “It is right, therefore, to claim, in the words of a fourth century author, that ‘the Lord's Day’ is ‘the lord of days’. Those who have received the grace of faith in the Risen Lord cannot fail to grasp the significance of this day of the week with the same deep emotion which led Saint Jerome to say: ‘Sunday is the day of the Resurrection, it is the day of Christians, it is our day’. For Christians, Sunday is ‘the fundamental feastday’, established not only to mark the succession of time but to reveal time's deeper meaning.”

So, our mountain is not necessarily a place, but a day and by saying that Sunday is the day that reveals time’s deeper meaning, our Holy Father was reminding us of the profound truth that, in our busy lives, we cannot lose sight of our relationships to the human family or to our God. When we do so, we lose a sense of the meaning of time and it becomes an arbitrary annoyance instead of being the gift that God has given to us in order to come to know him and love him through his Son and his church.

It is the hope of Fr. Ev and all the staff here at St. Thomas that you will come to see in this building, this church, the heart of this message. We hope that you will see in this place the message of the mountain that God calls you from the busy-ness of your life to the peace of his kingdom. He invites all to this banquet knowing that not all will respond. What prevents you from taking your Sabbath rest?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Blessed Antioch

One college retreat that catholic dioceses have developed is called Antioch. The name is taken from the town in Greece where the early believers in Christ took on the name "Christian". I've done a few Antiochs in the past at Loras and, as both a student and priest, I've been happy with what took place there. But, this past weekend, I had a paradigm shift. I did Antioch at St. Thomas Aquinas in Ames.

In theory, the two programs came from the same parent program. However, there was a lot of difference between the two. What impressed me most was the notion of growth in the christian faith that takes a lifetime to complete. Salvation is not something that just happens to the exclusion of an individual. Instead, we must live our whole lives in order to enter the kingdom of God. These college students defintely understood that we aren't just "saved" and done. Instead, each day we choose wheather we want to lead the life of Christ or not.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Da Vinci Code

At some point in the not too distant future, Hollywood is going to release one of the most evil, anti-christian films ever made. It's based on the equally evil anti-christian book "DaVinci Code" which maintains that the person who reached out to the world in love and selflessly gave his life for its salvation couldn't have lived 33 years without having sex. It's amazing that this "impossibility" has never been a concern for the world in the first 2000 years since Jesus' death. Thank goodness that Dan Brown figured it all out. How foolish for Christians to have loved Christ for 2000 years without knowing that his kids are still on earth.

Yet, we Christians, and especially Catholics, shouldn't be surprised at Anti-Christian bias in the media. Dogma, the movie, made a mockery of the notion of good works. Stigmata, the movie, made a mockery of sainthood and personal holiness. Several televisions shows have jumped on the priesthood sexual abuse crisis such that, when a priest appears on a sitcom, you can guarantee that he sexually abused someone. They have found a way to make five percent of the priestly population the majority!

So, where is the mockery of Jews and Jewish belief?

And why is Hollywood not going to make a movie mocking Islam?

So, I think this is the last straw for me. I'm asking myself some key questions. When was the last time I learned something by watching TV? When was the the last time I watched an entertaining movie that wasn't morally reprehensible? When was the last time either of these media helped my relationship to God or other people? And, with my answers to these questions, I'm afraid that it's time that I start to refer to these devices as what they are...occaisions of sin.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Is Jesus Kind?

I have no problem admitting that Jesus death on the cross was the ultimate sign of love. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for a friend, to paraphrase St. Paul. But, is being loving the same thing as being kind? I think this is one of the greatest sources of confusion in two areas.

The first is our understanding of God. God doesn't need to be nice to us. The fact that heaven is open to us is kindness enough.

The second is our understanding of religion. We need to show love to one another. We need to reach out to those who are suffering to bring some kind of goodness out of that evil. And I do think kindness is a virtue. But, is a lack of kindness really a sin? It's possible that, since so much of culture publicizes and repeats every negative thing about the church and puts us in the worst light possible, that we need to be beyond reproach. I think some would say that's a valid statement. But, I think we need to stand up for principles. I do think that we need to speak out for life. I think we need to stand up for the sanctity of marriage. I think we need to say that not all catholic priests are pedophiles and that we're tired of that depiction. We need to say that a country that is as rich as the United States needs to reach out to the poor. We need to ask if the war in Iraq had anything to do with the war on terror and ask if the policy on "pre-emptive war" hurts or helps the understanding of just war theory. We can't be afraid to speak out on things ask long as we are doing so in love. But, I think it weakens us to try and form every sentence so that they won't offend anyone.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Not in Kansas....

After a small break, I'm back.

No big problems. Just a lot of workin' with the Lord.

This weekend's reading was, basically, that some people hear the word of God, reject, and end up doing it while others hear it, agree to it, and then never do it.

I talked about how God's word comes to us through the bishops and are responsibility, as catholics, is to listen, trust, and do; not listen, criticize and make it up on our own. At least, I think that was my point.

In any case, I was approached after mass by someone who was upset by my point because the person thought the point of the reading is that religious leaders are stupid and we should just do it ourselves. I found myself becoming angry and then I realized something. This person has probably been schooled in (my term) seditionist theology. By that term, I just mean a kind of personalist view that says bishops and priests are more of a problem than an asset. I think this is an unintended consequence of the (post?) Vatican II realization that priests (and bishops) are fallible. The media bias that all priests are pedophiles has only reinforced this understanding.

And, since I coordinate a group of men who are discerning the possibility of becoming a priest, it's good to know that this bias is out there. I recognize that I need to educate people what priesthood is all about and, perhaps, what it is not.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Please pray for Misty

My coworker had an incredible tragedy happen for her the other day. Two of her friends (who were both seminarians) died in a terrible car accident. Please keep her and the family of the students in your prayers.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

A bright light in a dark world

Today is a day of celebration here at Iowa State. Yesterday’s victory over Iowa was awesome, incredible. As someone who sat through the Jim Criner and Jim Waldon eras of football coaching, a time when you were ashamed to admit that you were a Cyclone fan, it is incredible to see the University of Iowa bring a number four rated team into our Jack Trice stadium and get trounced. It’s a good day to celebrate.

Yet, our celebration is mingled with a couple of other realities this weekend. The first is that today is September 11, 2005, exactly four years after one of the most tragic events in American History. We remember that four years ago, people came to this country and killed thousands of working Americans. Up until a couple of weeks ago, I would have said that this was THE worst tragedy in contemporary American history, yet in looking at all the pictures coming out of New Orleans and the other gulf areas, it’s easy to see that this is another tragedy just as bad if not worse than 9/11. And, this time, we can’t retaliate against enemies. We can’t bring the fight to anyone.

I was pondering these two realities as I reflected on this passage of scripture and I realized something that I hadn’t seen before. If you have ever studied our gospel, you probably know that this is a parallel parable. In other words, two similar events take place with a different outcome. The tragic thing that I think has happened is that we’ve neglected the “surprise” that Jesus listeners would have had. So, let’s set it up and see if I can explain the surprise. There’s a servant who, roughly, owes his master the equivalent to the national debt of the United States. Now, there is no way that he could repay the debt so he says, “Be patient with me, and I will pay you back in full”. The master is so moved with compassion that he, not only, doesn’t throw him, his wife, children, and possessions in jail but, instead, forgives the debt.

The servant leaves and encounters a fellow servant who is in debt to him about a hundred days wages. When this other servant uses the same words that he just used, “Be patient with me, and I will pay you back in full”, there is not pity in the forgiven servant’s voice. He throws his fellow servant in jail and, by all appearances, the money suddenly shows up. The surprising thing, then, is what happens next. When the servant is called in front of the master, the prudent thing the master would have done would have been to demand the hundred days wages for himself. I mean, wouldn’t that make sense? By throwing the servant who is incredibly deep in debt in jail, the master wouldn’t have been able to be repaid at all. It’s better that the servant work and slowly repay the debt over time by, for example, collecting on the debts that others had to him.

The problem and the surprise is that the master didn’t expect, no, didn’t want the servant to repay the loan. He had completely forgiven it and expected this servant to have a sense of gratitude for that forgiveness. That’s the appropriate way to behave when we are treated kindly. We should want behave just as kindly to those around us.

The problem is that it’s so easy to forget the tremendous kindness that God has been to us. There is so much darkness and despair in our world that we can follow our culture’s attitude of tit-for-tat. Our culture tells us that we should be nice to people who are nice to us. We should give forgiveness to those who forgive us. We should give to those who give us something. This is the attitude of many politicians and advertisers, you pat my back and I’ll pat yours.

As Christians, we are called to a more hopeful life than this. God loves us and so we must love others, especially those who don’t love us back. God has forgiven us so we must forgive those who harm us. God has given his life to us to us and so we must give back it back. We must be a beacon of hope in what is oftentimes a dark world.

One institution within our church that is just such a beacon is Catholic Charities. If you don’t know anything about catholic charities, they are an organization of people that are, oftentimes, the first people on the ground after tragedies happen with supplies for those effected and a willingness to be the presence of Christ to people who are in awful circumstances. Last year, the archdiocese of Dubuque gave over a half million dollars to victims of the tsunami. In the entryway of church, you can find an envelope labeled “special collection”. You can also put money in the second collection that will take place at the end of mass and make out a check to Catholic Charities with the word “hurricane” in the memo. In this simple action, we show the hope that sees through tragedy to the ultimate victory over tragedy, Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Ordinarilly, I try to update my blog on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and twice on the weekend. I don't always succeed but that is my goal. However, since Tuesday, I keep starting what I think is a good idea and then having to abandon it in the middle and not remembering what I was writing when I can get it done later. Memory is a huge issue in my family. I imagine that part of this is normal but, ever since my grandmother developed dimensia similar to alzheimers and basically spent the last fifteen years of her life in a nursing home bed unable to recognize anyone, we are all afraid of what it means to forget things. For me, the thought of forgetting so many great experiences I've had with friends and family is a part of growing older that is not positive.

Several times in the bible, both old and new testaments, the people of God are told to remember something. The Israelites were told to remember the covenant they made with God and keep the commandments of God. The apostles were told to celebrate the eucharist "in remembrance" of Christ. Memory has an important part to play in religion. and, in particular, with our relationship to God. One of the ways we remember this is what is called an examination of conscience. By this I mean a prayer before falling asleep where we take time to recall the experiences we had that day to see those places where God was present and where we couldn't feel the presence of God. It is amazing that, in those remembrances, we find how close our God has been to us.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Duc in Altum

I've been thinking about the phrase "throw out into the deep" from the gospel of Luke (today's gospel) which is translated into latin as "duc in altum". This was the phrase the John Paul II used to initiate a reflection on vocations last March, though it wasn't the first time that he used that phrase. Two things come to mind when I read John Paul II about this. The first is that "throw out into the deep" involves taking a chance. The disciples had been burned the night before. They had tried and failed to catch fish. Now they are tired and frustrated and, if it were me, the last thing I would want to do is go fishing. But, they are willing to take a chance because they trust Jesus. That willingness, despite having already cleaned up their nets, paid off for a whole night of bad fishing. But, in this act of fishing, they can see a foreshadowing of what they will soon be doing full time...catching people (lit. "fishing for men"). Many people have jobs that don't seem to have any affect on the kingdom of God. How might God be using those types of jobs to prepare you for ministry?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

an analogy

All analogies have areas of similarity and dissimilarity so bear with this.

Yesterday morning, I went to the dentist. It had been a year and a half or better since I had gone and I had broken off part of one of my molars so it was time. I sat in the chair and had x-rays taken of the one that had broken off and the dentist starting numbing the area around the bad tooth. Then, he started looking around and found two other teeth that he was fairly certain would need to have fillings replaced. So, I went back today to get them done and get the cleaning that was long over due. In the middle of it, he found two other teeth that needed to have their fillings replaced. I'll go back a week from Thursday to get them done and, hopefully, be finished with fillings for a while.

But, it did prompt me to reflect on the idea of reconciliation. Most catholics in today's world simultaneously say that they don't need to go to confession and that the church instills a sense of guilt. Confession is like that visit to the dentist that I should have done a year ago. It clears out all the things you need to be guilty about so that you can go on with your life. Otherwise, you bring all this baggage along with you and the result is guilt. And, while it's true that you only need to go to confession once a year, it's just as true that we probably need to go more often than that. It's definitely something that feels worse before we do it. I always feel better when I leave than when I start.

So, find a good dentist and get your teeth cleaned and a good priest and get your soul done too.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Living the passionate life

This weekend was a big one for the mass at St. Thomas. We spent time introducing the staff members. Then we handed out time and talent forms so that parishioners could get involved. That meant that mass started about five minutes later than usual which means I kept my homily short.

So, I talked about having conviction. In this world, there are an awful lot of people, myself included, who tend to be dispassionate about their faith. The challenge of christians is that, in being tolerant of other people's free will, we can't lose the passion we feel about the faith. We also can't become so focused on one issue that we miss out on the breath of God's will. God has given us the church so that we can get behind all that he wants from us.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Holy Thursday!!!

Up at 5:30 so that I could be on the road at 6:30. That was how my morning began. I started out in St. Paul after seeing an absolutely morally reprehensible play last night and spending the night in the home of a good priest friend. I drove for my priestly support group meeting in a small town named Grundy Center, Iowa. We supported one another and then I went home to Marshalltown for supper, something that would never have happened a couple of months ago (can you believe I've been in Ames for over a month now?). Mom's string beans are the greatest in the world and it's always good to see my Dad and brother, Dave. I got back in my truck and headed back to Ames for what will probably be my favorite experience in this assignment. I had an earlier posting about Wednesday Night Liturgy during this summer. Now that the students, we do it on Thursdays and do it later on in the evening, 10:00. What an awesome experience! The students just gave me so much energy. They are the church...discovering what that means.

Now I'm trying to wind down a little so that I can sleep and get ready for a lot of work tomorrow. That's what I get for screwing around two days in a row.

Monday, August 22, 2005

The images of the pope

This past weekend, I found myself reflecting on the images that go along with the pope. I talked about the chair, the catedra, and how the bishop's chair is a visible symbol of his authority. I talked about how every catholic church has a chair in the front for the priest that connects him back to that chair that the bishop sat in when he was ordained. That chair should remind the priest that he is nothing without his bishop...humility.

I also talked about the keys. The keys were mentioned in the readings this weekend. Peter was given them. I talked about how, in modern times, we tend to see in this a hand over of power to Peter, as though it's his job to determine what the church believes. However, the first reading warned that the keys could get taken away and given to someone else. The Pope's job is not to tell God what he believes but to do what God wants and proclaim that truth to the world. He is to protect the truth that has been handed on to us and keep out anything that is evil.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

minimalists and maximalists

In the past couple of years, I've become annoyed by the terms "liberal" and "conservative". Masking them under the titles "progressive" and "traditional" doesn't help either. The members of the church are far too multifacated to put into two categories. That's why I'd like to further add some clarity by introducing two new distinctions that aren't really typical conservative or liberal. The terms I'm using to understand people are maximalists and minimalists. Now, bear in mind, these are not meant to be all encompassing/villify the other group/High School football terms. These are meant to help members of the body of Christ understand differences in some attitudes. They presume that people have an earnest desire to remain faithful to church teachings.

The difference between the two begins with their outlook. A maximalist asks "What more can I do to be part of the church?" A minimalst asks, "What do I have to do to be part of the church." Beginning with these differences in questions explains why one priest wears just an alb and stole and another priest wears amice, alb, cincture, stole, chausable and, during the big celebrations, cassock. But, these differences are not just limited to priests. I think all people ask these questions, which is where religion both thrives and becomes ugly. And, I think most people vary between being a minimalst for one issue and being a maximalst for others.

This helps me when I'm talking to people about the church to find out the way they are approaching an issue. So, for instance, some people think that people need to go to confession every month, if not every week. These people are maximalists. Others struggle to go once a year. They are minimalsts.

Of course, another key is to keep in mind that this is just supposed to offer another category to help us understand people. Ultimately, people's rationale for being a minimalst or maximalist will vary. So, even though it's okay to understand what a person thinks in order to understand where they are coming from, the most important question to ask is why they believe.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Our State Fair is a great state fair....

Ah, the smell of warm fried foods coupled with the slight scent of animal dung...does it get any better than that? That was what I did yesterday. I visited our wonderful state fair. Some people go to the state fair to ride the rides. Why not go to an amusement park? Most people go to eat their favorite state fair particular food - deep fried snickers bars, twinkies, or the infamous corn dog. Then they go to Iowa Methodist Medical center for bypass surgery. I go to the state fair to see the animals. That's what the fair is supposed to be about. It has been overrun by commercialism with people trying to sell everything from mops to siding to colleges. But, in the barns, it is still the fair as it is supposed to be. I saw the biggest boar, the biggest bull, and a milking demonstration. I saw two 4H shows, one involving shetland ponies and another involving milking cows. It was great to see a kid that was half the size of a cow leading her around a show ring without any fear. The highlight of the day, however, was when my grandparents' (mom's parents) farm became a "Century Farm". It was nice to stand on stage and represent the next generation of Schott family reaping the benefits of the earth from this parcel of land that has been doing so for a hundred years. And, it was good to see Aunts and Uncle gather together for something other than a funeral.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Putting limits on God’s love

Oftentimes, when I hear this gospel passage, I hear it referred to as the story of the Canaanite woman, which makes sense considering that one of the people involved is a Canaanite woman. The other, since it is a gospel story, is Jesus. Usually, that’s where our consideration of this story ends. We have Jesus talking to a Canaanite woman sounding, at times, pretty harsh, which has always seemed very contrary to the way I’ve imagined Jesus approaching those who have faith in him. So, I’d like to suggest a change in focus for this parable, a third character, if you will, who played a prominent role. It is, oftentimes, overlooked that Jesus is surrounded by and talks to his disciples throughout this story. And, in fact, I think that the disciples are the real ones who learn an important thing or two from today’s gospel.

I’m a Cubs fan. I have a friend who is also a Cubs fan. I remember talking with him a couple of months ago about how this is yet another rebuilding year. That makes 55 years in a row that the Cubs have been trying to rebuild a World Series team. He said that he was watching them one day and that they beat their opponent by eight or nine runs and then lost by two or three the next day. His theory was that they should have stored up some of their runs from the one day in order to win the next, as though the Cubs were the moral equivalent to Grimm fairty tale about the grasshopper who spent all summer singing instead of storing food and went starving to the ants for food during the winter.

I think there is a part of us that thinks in a similar way about God’s love. We say that we know God’s love is all-powerful and all encompassing but then we tend to put limits on it. After all, if God’s love is all-powerful and limitless then that means that we can’t put limits on our own love. That was what the disciples were doing in the gospel today. When the woman comes professing faith in Jesus, they want him to chase her off. This isn’t the only time they will want Jesus to get rid of people who cry out to him in need but it is the first time that Jesus gives in. I don’t think Jesus really wants for this woman to be sent away. I think he wants the disciples to face their biases, to face those times when they exclude people simply because they would rather believe they are outside of God’s love than within it.

So, Jesus communicates to the woman what the disciples would have him do, like a teenager giving into peer pressure. The difference, though, is that Jesus knows that this woman will stand up to him. Any desperate mother who thinks that a cure is possible for her child will be willing to be called names if it means having a healthy child. Because of her humility, her faith, and her love, her daughter is cured and she can walk back and, with her daughter, grow in the faith that was given to her.

The disciples, on the other hand, are left in a bit of a lurch. They have to face their own prejudices and deal with them. In this lesson, Jesus teaches them that racism and discrimination are the seeds of evil, not the way that leads to everlasting life.

This message will need to be quickly learned and implemented by the disciples. After Jesus death, the disciples leave Jerusalem and Israel and go to other countries to spread the gospel. They begin with what is comfortable. They first go to the synagogue if there was one in town. But, they would inevitably find the gentile audience more open to the saving message of Jesus. They find a common longing for meaning in these new believers, a longing that finds expression in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and allows these people who were not descendants of Abraham to be grafted onto his vine. This all happened because they learned to not let fear of differences drive them away from spreading the gospel.

That is the message the disciples learned and, perhaps, we disciples need to learn it as well. How do we treat people of other races, gender, political persuasion, theological understanding…? Do we let them go their way and we’ll go our own or do we try to get to know them and love them as Jesus loves us?

Friday, August 12, 2005

Living with contradictions...

As a young priest, I think I have a pretty good sense of what the church asks for liturgy, perhaps better than those who were educated ten or twenty years ago. And, as a result of my more contemporary education, I feel it my responsibilty to gently bring "creative liturgical reform" back in line with the church. One great example of this is pouring from the pitcher to the cups. The vatican has clarified that they would like us to do this before the eucharistic prayer and consecration. Since that clarification came out, most priests have bristled at this change. Some refrain out of theological reasons. They want to do it at the fraction rite so that it is the fullest symbol of Christ's body being broken for us and Christ's blood being poured out. Others who are suspicious of authority think that it is Rome's attempt to return to only distributing in one form only.

My reaction was to think of how it could be done and do it. It didn't take any imagination whatsoever and most people appreciate the change. No having to do one thing when the bishop isn't present and changing when the bishop is. No stubbornly ruffling my feathers at the thought of the Vatican telling me how to celebrate mass. Just make the change in as organic a way as possible.

So, I tend to be an advocate of doing what the books tell us to do and doing it well. Yet, in the middle of distributing holy communion, I became annoyed with myself. I have added something to the mass. Most priests do this and I have a good reason for doing it, but I have nonetheless added something. If people bring children to mass who cannot receive communion, I will give them a blessing. I do it because it recognizes the child who is present rather than pretending the child is not there or important and I do it because I think it is important to acknowledge children at mass. In an era in which each priest is a sexual abuser and each child a potential victim, I think it's imporant that I visibly interract with children in a loving way that makes it clear that I'm not a sexual abuser. I bless them. And, just as important, I look at these children as gifts. They are the next generation of faithful catholics to carry on the message of Jesus.

But the church doesn't say that I should distribute communion and bless children. It just says I distribute communion. Now, I have to decide if the absence of a rubric means tacit disapproval.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A God who gets disappointed with us

Last week, I kept reflecting on the image of an angry God. I know that probably seems silly to reflect on that. It doesn't square with the common picture of Jesus laughing with his head tilted back, eyes closed and mouth wide open as though someone had just told a golfing joke (or maybe that one about not finding a lawyer in heaven). The difficult thing, though, is that scripture sometimes seems to hint at God being mad. And I'm not just talking about the Old Testament. Think of the God who won't let the rich man repent of his sins despite coming to the realization that he has not lived a life of holiness by seeing Lazarus in heaven.
I kept thinking about how hurtful family can be to one another. I had two friends, very close friends that are more like family to me than friends, who exchanged exceptionally mean emails. One of our friends was worried that it would ruin our friendship. I told them that I thought it pointed to how strong our friendship was. The emails, though exceptionally mean, were really honest. One person stated very plainly some concerns she had about the choices another was making. This helped me understand God's anger a little better. God gets angry our of love. Those biblical images of God taking vengance out on other people show how much he cares about us. He cares enough to be disappointed in us when we do stupid things.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

God works in this world to convert it

As I was reflecting on this reading, I couldn't help but be drawn to two interconnected conclusions. In the Twin Cities, there's a parish of 5000 families. Most priests in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis recognize it as a reality and even a good. When I talk to priests about that parish in this diocese, most of them say that it's too big. They have an idea that two thousand families is the largest parish they can comprehend. Then, we turn to our gospel today and realize that our Lord had five thousand parishioners relatively early on in his career and he was able to work miracles with those folks. It should give us hope.

I also couldn't help but reflect on the change in interpretation that has happened with this particular passage. Ten or fifteen years ago, there appeared a novel interpretation for it, an interpretation I like to call "potluck supper" . The general way this bit of isogesis works is to say that, when the disciples found this little boy (mentioned in other gospels) with his five loaves and two fish who was willing to share his food, suddenly others in the crowd were willing to share what they had as well until they had left-overs. The implication of this interpretation is definitely true; most of us have more than we need and are unwilling to share what we have with others.

But, despite the fact that, in general, I think this is a good social message, it is not what our readings today intend to convey. It is tantamount to what Benjamin Franklin did with the Bible when he removed all that he felt was miraculous. I think there are other passages that make us reflect on the value of charity in putting God first and stuff second. The real message our gospel is inviting us to reflect on is entirely different and may be described by the following story.

There once was a little boy named Billy. Billy was a very quiet and shy little boy who liked to hide behind his mother's leg when company came over. One day at his Catholic school, Billy's teacher asked his class for a volunteer to read at mass the next week. Billy made his eyes drop to the ground to avoid the teachers gaze and did whatever else he could to not look like he had any interest whatsoever. But, the teacher was quite wise. She called Billy's name to get his attention and then asked him to read. Billy, being a quiet and shy little boy, knew he couldn't say no to his teacher regardless of how much he wanted to. So, when he got home, he turned to his mother to ask if she would write him a note excusing him from reading. Billy's Mom, however, was also wise. She told him that she wouldn't write the note but would, instead, help him to prepare and even take time off from work to come to mass. So, Billy had no choice but to turn to his Dad. However, Billy's Dad and Mom worked like a team so, when Billy asked, dad, who had been warned by Mom that Billy would probably try this, also told Billy that he would help him practice and would take time off from work to come to mass. So, when the day of mass arrived, Billy didn't have any excuse. His mom, dad, and teacher had all helped him to prepare and made sure he'd be ready. Billy stepped up to the microphone, hoping that the kids wouldn't laugh at him too loudly. Then, the amazing happened. Billy not only read the reading well, he was perfect. He didn't pop any "p's" and read slowly and clearly in order to convey the meaning.

Billy might not have known that he had been given the gift to proclaim the word, but he had and others could see it in him. That is, oftentimes, the way that spiritual gifts work, whether they are gifts like reading of the word of God, the gift of faith, or a vocation. They aren't merited. In other words you can't earn them. God gives them to us freely in order to build up the kingdom. And, oftentimes, we don't recognize the gifts that God has given to us. Certainly, the disciples didn't realize the gift that they had in Jesus or they wouldn't have tried to send the crowds away to get food. They would have just asked Jesus to give them food instead.

What is needed, instead, is a bit of initiative on our part to recognize the gifts that have been given to us. That why Jesus started out with five loaves and two fish in the first, because he works with us to save us. We need to be open to recognize the gifts that have been given to us and not run away from them. I see this many times in the area of vocations to priesthood, diaconante, and religious life. I have met so many men and women who have incredible gifts for ministry who seem to turn away from priesthood and religious life out of fear of loneliness. I always find this to be an ironic response when I think about how many times in a day that I want to get away from people for a while because I've been talking to so many. Plus, I've met an awful lot of people who say they don't feel like they have enough time for the studies surrounding becoming a deacong even though they are already involved in a million things in church that they could give up in order to be a deacon and give other people the oppertunity to do the things they were doing.

Now, you may be wondering what the connection was between the parish of 5000 families and the idea of vocation. When we see something we believe to be a problem, there are a number of ways to deal with it. We can either worry and fret about it and do what we can to turn away from it, like the disciples wanted to do in the gospel or we can see in the problem an opportunity for growth in the gifts that God has given to us. Where is God calling you to grow in the gifts he has given to you?

Saturday, July 23, 2005

A new website

I've talked before about a very influential thinker in modern catholic history by the name of George Weigel. I just found out that he has a web column. I'm not saying that I agree with everything Mr. Weigel says but I find him very thought provoking. Here it is....


Thursday, July 21, 2005


Last night we had a usual summer phenoeonon at my current parish (from now on referred to as STA = St. Thomas Aquinas) called Wednesday Night Liturgy or WNL. It's a smaller version of what takes place on Thursday nights here and is less dealing with mass and more with different forms of prayer.

I couldn't help but be astounded at the number of college students who were willing to gather together and pray. There was probably a lot that they could have been doing instead but here was a large group of young people gathered together to call upon the Holy Spirit for her gifts. I find that incredibly powerful.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

though you are master of light you judge with clemency

This past week British Prime Minister Tony Blair made a shocking discovery: most of the terrorists that caused the bombings in his country were natives of his country. In other words, unlike the September 11th tragedy in our country, the enemy was from within. Up until this point, each time I heard about the London train bombings, I would immediately go back to the only real referent our country has had for such terror, certainly the only experience I've had had in my lifetimes. On the morning of September 11th, I remember thinking to myself, “Let’s just go blow them all up. Let’s find out who did it and just carpet bomb the entire country. Maybe innocent people will die in the process but it’s a small price to pay if we can feel safe again.”

The more I think about and ponder that selfish reaction, the more illogical it seems. In some ways, it is only logical to want swift retribution after an injustice. It’s easy to understand why the mother of the girl lost in Aruba is speaking out to reporters and calling the government there incompetent and corrupt. Her daughter is lost and no one can find her. It’s understandable to feel frustrated and want to take that out on other people.

Aren’t we all lucky, however, that this is not the way that God operates. Our first reading today reminds us that the fact that God doesn’t act like that when some terrible sin takes place is a sign of his power. This may seem like a contradiction to say that God’s clemency is a sign of his power but the truth is that wreaking havoc and causing destruction is the easy thing to do. Any brute can destroy. And, repaying terror with violence is just as easy. The real challenge is not to overreact, to hope in the face of hatred and anger that the person will realize that their actions are wrong and that they must stop them. This is how God reacts to our sins; to those times when we hurt other people.

He knows already who are the wheat and who are the weeds. He could go throughout the church and the world to pick out those people who are headed towards death and save those who are headed towards light. But this is not the way he operates. Even though it might seem that a perfect world without sinners is the best type of world, especially since this is the way God intended it from the beginning, sin still has a role to play.

This is the point of our gospel. God’s patience despite his power plays itself out in a world filled with temptations to sin. God sees all the sin and allows it to exist in the hopes that someone who has sinned, even just one person, will repent. But, patient hope for conversion is not the natural way to react to sin. The easiest way to react to sin is to throw the wheat out with the weeds, to remove the sinners from one’s life. The truth is that we must follow Paul’s advice from the second reading and call upon the Spirit in these difficult times. Even if we don’t know what to pray, the spirit intercedes for us to make us holy. In the midst of conflict and division, we may feel conflicted. Part of us may want to call upon God to carry out retribution for what has happened, like sending some SARS or AIDS or cancer or something awful like that to attack those who hurt us. Yet, as Christians, we are called to not hope that something bad will happen to them but, instead, to hope that they will repent and believe in the gospel. And, the more we analyze these situations, the farther we step away from our immediate reaction, we may even find some blame in it is our own. We may have done something to them that seemed to provoke their mean-spirited actions or we may even have misunderstood something that happened and believed we were wronged when, in fact, we were in the wrong. Morality is often shaded by such areas of gray instead of clearly delineated in black and white.

One great example of this is when a child or a brother or sister or someone else close to us comes and tells us they are gay. As a Catholic, we may feel conflicted about the whole issue of homosexuality. On the one hand, we may be tempted to react angrily and throw the person out of our life, despite knowing that they didn’t choose to be gay. Even though this is, for some of us, the natural reaction, I believe it is also the most unchristian, the most sinful. Yet, on the other hand, we may be happy that the person actually told us and find ways to support and love the person because it is what Jesus would have done. But we may struggle to help them understand the catholic teaching that homosexual acts are the sin, not the homosexual.

In the midst of this chaos, we who have ears ought to stop talking and listen. Ask for the Spirit’s guidance. Remember that learning how to live a moral life is not just an act of modeling the community but is also an act of God. And, most importantly, remember that when God was given the choice to punish or allow for repentance, to throw out the weeds with the some of the wheat, he gave us time to repent.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

New Parish...new life

I have begun that life that most priests dream about. I live in an apartment about a block away from my parish. I have a separate phone number from the parish. I wake up and walk to my office. I'm still a priest all the time, I just don't live in the store.

I think this is why I'm not frustrated that the flooring in my kitchen isn't done. I've not had "my kitchen" since I was here as a seminarian. I'm taking my time getting settled in. My first goal is to get accustomed to sleeping past 6:00 in the morning and going to sleep later than 10:00 at night. Once I get used to that, then I'll be set.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest

Have you ever had a problem that only seemed to get worse the more you work on it? I’m not a good driver. I realize this but there’s not much I can do about it. In the words of the Red Green show, “I’m a man…But I can change…If I have to…I guess.” My biggest fault when driving is not speeding. As some of you may have experienced, I tend to travel at exactly the speed limit. And I’m pretty good about not talking on my cell phone or finding other ways to distract myself from paying attention to the road. The main reason that I am not a good driver is the most stereotypical female criticism of men; I get lost easily and refuse to ask directions. Let me give you an example. Last week, I went to Cedar Rapids to hear the Dubuque Colts drum and bugle corps perform. I got the address and directions off of the colt website and headed down with plenty of time to spare. I found the street it was supposed to be on and couldn’t find a football field. There were people around but, of course, I didn’t stop to ask any questions. I even found one of the corps practicing on a field. I could have asked them where they were performing but, instead, I decided to drive all over the city of Cedar Rapids with my windows open listening for drum sounds. After an hour of searching with ever increasing tension and impatience I found myself on the other side of town on the exact same street. Someone had written down southeast when it should have been southwest. The only bright spot was that the performance was about forty-five minutes behind schedule so I was right on time.

Driving is not the only thing that can cause us to work way too hard for something that should be a lot easier. Most of us would like to have more money so that we could afford more stuff and have an easier life. But, in order to earn the money necessary, we work long, exhausting hours and find that, when we come home at night, we have just enough money to survive and no energy to go do something exciting. And my favorite example of this happens when you get a new piece of technology. Have you ever got a new computer, cell phone, VCR, or something else and spent all day trying to figure out how it works only to have your teenage daughter or son come home and have it working in ten minutes? Now that’s frustration! Let’s face it, oftentimes life can seem like more of a burden than it’s worth.

In the face of this tension, our Lord calls us to himself saying, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” I find it fascinating that one of the introductory things that we say on the telephone is, “What did you do today?” We usually say this at some point earlier in the conversation unless if we are calling for a specific purpose. And the response the person gives, especially if it deals with relaxation or rest, can often lead to criticism. We are a very pragmatic country. In other words, we tend to expect people to be productive. If they aren’t productive, then they aren’t worth anything. That’s the mistake so many people made surrounding the Terry Schiavo case. The reason that Terry Schiavo deserved to be fed according to the Pope and most of the bishops wasn’t because she could have recovered. That was the politician’s response. The reason her feeding tube shouldn’t have been removed was because her life was worth something in and of itself. She didn’t need to produce anything, any emotion, any action, to have dignity. She had dignity because she had life. Life in and of itself has dignity.

We need to remind ourselves of this every day. That’s at the heart of what our Eucharist is about. We don’t come to mass to be entertained. If you do, you’d certainly be disappointed each week. We don’t come to mass because it makes us feel good. In fact, there are times when we leave mass without any comfort at all. We come to mass in order to come to know the Son so that the Son will reveal his Father to us through the Spirit. We come so that, for a few moments, we can hand our problems over to our heavenly Father and find some peace, even if the only peace that we receive is just knowing that we aren’t in this all alone. God is pulling for you and I am too.

3 OT C: We need a Jubilee

  Friends Peace be with you.  On May 9, 2024, Pope Francis declared this year, 2025, a jubilee year. In his address, entitled “Spes Non ...