Friday, December 09, 2005

sede vaticansists

I've recently become re-aquainted with a group of people that believe there has been no legitimate pope since John XXIII. They found my email address somehow and were sending me evil material attempting to subvert my love of the pope and bishops.

It's sad. They have nothing positive to add to the conversation. They just complain about how everything has changed and is, therefore, bad. Because of their own ignorance and obstinence, they lead others away. They do incredible damage to the unity of the church and are, in many ways, acting as the anti-christ. I pray for them constantly in the hopes that they will realize that they not only don't have a leg to stand on but are being Judas. After all, Judas thought that, in betraying the Lord, he was saving the movement. These people think that they know more about what the truth of the faith is than the pope and can, therefore, betray him. Someday they will have to look God in the face and see how they are ripping apart the body of Christ, the church.

Pray for them, not only for the leadership but for the lost sheep that believe what these false prophets teach.

1 comment:

DominiSumus said...

Lucky you! I hope they stay far, far away from me.

Great blog by the way. I'm glad I found it.

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