Saturday, July 24, 2010

Vengeance is mine!

I finally figured out how to stop the Asian pornographer who keeps posting links on my blog! There's a way to allow members to just post things while making non members posts to be approved first. The filth monger struck late on Thursday night but I never allowed the person to post anything. Take that! I promise that any legitimate comment (even one I don't particularly like) will still make it onto the site.

Here's my weekend schedule:
Friday night: Baptism in Forest City (done)
Saturday: Funeral in Forest City with burial in Lake Mills, 110th anniversary parade in Duncan, mass in Buffalo Center
Sunday: Mass in Britt followed by mass in Garner. Afternoon camping somewhere close.

I will be in all six towns for one reason or another. I can't wait for camping. First time since coming here.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear you're settling in. When we passed your I-35 exit, the family and I thought of you this week and lofted a prayer or two your way.


PS You got the junk posts on your Tobit site, too, right?

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

I moderate comments for that very reason. It is too bad that there are some very strange people out there who get some kind of pleasure out of doing negative things to others. Their lives must be very empty.

Fr.Dennis said...

Thanks for the tip about Tobit. I actually had no idea that people even knew about that site. I have a tracker on it that erroneously didn't show anyone visiting.

You're exactly right. Why post that filth on this website? I don't get it.

3 OT C: We need a Jubilee

  Friends Peace be with you.  On May 9, 2024, Pope Francis declared this year, 2025, a jubilee year. In his address, entitled “Spes Non ...