Sunday, June 04, 2006


This morning at Sts. Peter and Paul church in Gilbert, I celebrated what could be the best liturgy that I have celebrated as a priest. It wasn't because of a great actually was kind of pathetic. It wasn't because of the extraordinary holiness of the priest (or the people). It was just a solemn mass celebrated the way the church wants us to do so. Incense...altar bells...chanted prayers...all the good stuff was there for this celebration. And, to top it all off, it was an extraordinarilly beautiful day! The windows were open letting in the incredible breeze so that the smoke of the incense went wafting out the windows while the scent traveled througout the church. The sun was so bright that we could have turned off the lights and had the same effect. And, after mass, we had breakfast and conversation. These are the days that make me so grateful to God for letting me be a priest.

1 comment:

sirhair said...

sounds so beautiful!
Perhaps one day soon, you will get to experience the same at St. Thomas... how glorious a day that would be!

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