Tuesday, June 06, 2006

CNN - Commentary?

I try to read CNN.com on a fairly regular basis because it keeps me in touch with what is going on in the world. I feel a little betrayed, though, today. I've never seen them have an opinion piece on the website. The first one that I saw was called Commentary: Kay Warren: Christianity and AIDS. The content is blythe and pointed but more suited for a blog posting than a news source. So, why is CNN starting a commentary piece as part of its news reporting? And, why is the first commentary one that, basically, is an internal christian statement on our need to care for the poor? Is Fox News more correct than we want to admit that CNN is biased? Does this happen more often than I'm aware and, for some reason, I've just missed them all?

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2 OT C: Charity begins in serving others

 Friends Peace be with you The British playwright John Marston wrote in 1610 True charity beginneth first at home, Heere in your bosomes d...