Monday, December 17, 2007

Ukranian Rite and Maronite Rite Catholics

This past week, I had the joy of taking a group of students to Minneapolis to experience two eastern right Catholic liturgies. For more information on what that means, go here.

Both were incredibly beautiful. The first one was a Ukranian Catholic Church and the second a Maronite catholic church. The first was almost entirely in English with a few songs at the end in Ukranian. The second was in English, Arabic, and Aramaic. The chant at the second was just beautiful and reminded me of my time in Israel. The kids seemed very impressed and wanted to bring several things back.

"Wisdom! Let us be attentive"

censors with bells on them

"Depart catechumens! Catechumens depart! Depart catechumens...."


nabimba said...

I am worthy!

Fr.Dennis said...

If you wonder what Hillary is talking about, see "New Hope in the midst of a deprived and twisted generation" on December 17 2006.

But, yeah, it was a better retreat this year than last. Can you believe I'm actually learning? And, I think if I get to be a part of it next year, we will not attend St. Joan of Arc but, instead, go to St. Agnes (latin mass) and St. Peter Claver (African-American congregation). But, that's a year away. I'm enjoying the rest in the mean time.

3 OT C: We need a Jubilee

  Friends Peace be with you.  On May 9, 2024, Pope Francis declared this year, 2025, a jubilee year. In his address, entitled “Spes Non ...