Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Waking up

I had two epiphany moments today that made a lot of sense.

1. I regularly read certain conservative blogs, usually done by college-age students that are frustrated with the state of the catholic church. In the middle of reading one with a million responses, I had this realization of Tolkien significance. You may remember the communication (propaganda?) devices between the dark lord, Saruman and the vile figure Sauron that drives the steward crazy. I think that reading these blogs had the same effect on me. They make a vocal minority seem as though they are the norm. I can hear the future of the church that is frustrated with certain liturgical innovations that want to be a voice for a renewal of the renewal. But, I can also hear a real arrogance in their tone...a lack of any sort of charity. So, I deleted them from my favorites so that I'm not influenced by them.

2. I'm reading a book about Opus Dei, the maligned organization of the most evil man on the planet, Dan Brown. In this book, the founder Josemaria Escriva is highlighted. At one point, the liberal author claims that the founder was both accused of being anti-semitical by the Jersualem newspaper Ha'aretz and Opus Dei was accused of being composed of Jews by legitimate anti-semites. Even though it's not a direct statement that you are being a good Christian, I think it is at least shows how much people hate this organization and how unjust that hatred is. Jesus' accusers couldn't get their story straight either.

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