Thursday, April 09, 2009

A blast from the past

So, as a kid, I was fascinated with this song. Maybe it will dislodge some memories...or just drive you crazy with its repetitive rhythms. In any case, pop goes the world!


nabimba said...

Haha! Niiiice....

Actually, uh, I associate this song with my HS band's trip to Phoenix/Mesa AZ for the Fiesta Bowl Parade. I remember that I had just gotten a MWH greatest hits collection for Christmas and had some time to rest in the hotel room after our early morning charter flight and before practice started. So I first heard this song when it came around on the CD player. At the time, I was obsessed with the Safety Dance, and this was a nice little bonus along with "Living in China." It even quotes the Safety Dance octave leaps in here!

Fr.Dennis said...

Living in China? I've never heard of this song!&#@ I must hear it some time!

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