Sunday, December 04, 2005

Gay Priests and LIES

I've been reticent to comment on the new document from the Congregation for Catholic Education because I was waiting to hear what "commentators" would say about it. I've heard the common misconceptions. People like William F. Buckley think priests need to have sex in order to be long as it's heterosexual sex. Some give the relativist, "I don't believe that" attitude. Some believe the church is putting it's foot down on the sexual abuse crisis or call gay people evil. All of this is wrong and I'll show you why.

The vatican, in it's typical way, didn't root this in politics or sociology or anything secular. The vatican said, "By means of the sacrament of orders, the Holy Spirit configures the candidate to Jesus Christ in a new and specific way: the priest, in fact, sacramentally represents Christ, the head, shepherd and spouse of the Church...The candidate to the ordained ministry, therefore, must reach affective maturity. Such maturity will allow him to relate correctly to both men and women, developing in him a true sense of spiritual fatherhood towards the Church community that will be entrusted to him."

Further, "In the light of such teaching, this dicastery, in accord with the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, believes it necessary to state clearly that the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called 'gay culture.' Such persons, in fact, find themselves in a situation that gravely hinders them from relating correctly to men and women."

The argument, as far as I can tell, could be briefly stated in the following statements;
1. A priest is configured to Christ and must, therefore, mirror Christ.
2. Christ was not gay.
3. A priest cannot be gay.

This has nothing to do with married priests. This has nothing to do with the sexual abuse crisis. This has to do with the unique notion of priests "in personae Christi" (in the person of Christ). That's all.

1 comment:

nabimba said...

'This has to do with the unique notion of priests "in personae Christi" (in the person of Christ)'

Hey dude, I'd love to talk with you about this one sometime...

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